A Murder All contact between Lily, Otto, and Richard ends, but she is still on the bill and Richard wonders "how were audiences to know that the English Rose captivating them twice nightly with her wide eyes and childish songs was depraved? Audiences adored her . . . which says a lot about the illusory nature of the theatre." As if conditions at the Burrington Empire were not bad enough, a body is found. Nonie Colmar, the French acrobat, has been strangled. The police investigate the case, and suspicion falls on everybody in the company. Cissie is quite shaken by the events. Frightened, she comes to Richard's room at night seeking a little comfort. Uncle Nick bursts in and fires her on the spot. Throughout this episode, Richard is being interrogated
first by the local The show must go on, and Cissie is replaced by Doris Tingley, "the angriest person I've ever known" says Richard. As for Uncle Nick, he is morose and silent. Richard continues writing to Nancy, asking again for a simple postcard "to tell me you're not interested."